Monday, 10 August 2015

DECO2300 Workshop A Week 2 Post

An exciting task was thrust upon my workshop class this week. We were to form tightly-knit groups and brainstorm ideas until we agreed upon a certain frank-en-game. Our task involved 3 peculiar games, with apparently nothing in common, left my group gasping for ideas like a beached salmon.

  1. Galager (A bottom up space shooter/scroller)
  2. Dots n Boxes(A competitive puzzle shape drawing game)
  3. Operation (A board game surgeon simulator)

Whilst considering the difficulty of this task, an idea violently exploded from our minds in a manner very similar to the Alien movie. Our idea consisted of blending Operation and Galager, whilst juxtaposing a Dots n Boxes mini-game side by side with the main product. We call it...

Galager Surgeon:

You play a micro sized doctor flying a sterilized medical themed fighter jet through the open cavity of a surgery gone wrong! Blast away blood clots, tumors and infectious organisms whilst attempting to sew up a life endangering surgical wound. As points are accumulated, the player is allowed to begin "sewing" the wound in a separate screen in a mini-game that resembles "Dots n Boxes". But beware, fire upon a blood vessel or vital organ and risk tearing open the wound further and losing valuable time.

Additionally, each team in the classroom was entrusted with creating a wearable social device that would deal with annoying behaviors. This task proved to be considerably more gruesome than the former. We discussed all manners of deviant behavior such as sneezing, blowing noses and un-desirably vocal ticks many individuals emit.

This week was truly a test of our psychological fortitude.

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